Saturday 9 October 2010

Rotunda Museum By Danny Sharp

On Wednesday we visited the Woodend Creative Space and viewed the charms that we would be making an exhibition about. From examining the charms up close we were able to learn more about the protection charms, the selected charm group we would be working on. Following this we spent the remaining time in the Rotunda Museum, the building where the exhibition is to be held.  During this time we were able to get a feel of the space that we would be holding our work in. Whilst we were there we saw the existing interactive installations, which were already usable in the museum. These consisted of three touch screen interfaces and one touch screen television.
The good points that I found about the existing interfaces were:
Appealing Layouts – Professionally laid out with minimal text to ensure that the user doesn’t lose interest. This made the interface more enticing to want to know what the information was about. The interface also had a quiz that allowed the user to answer questions, which added a fun factor which people would benefit from whilst learning more information about the topic. This was the also the same idea with the touch screen television which allowed the user to make their own picture with all the different creatures of the time.
The bad points about the existing installations were:
Bad Sensitivity (Touch-screen Television) – Users of this machine had to apply a high amount of pressure to buttons and icons on screen. This might mean users lose interest due to not having the ability to use the screen. Also limited games were installed on the T.V so this only grabs the user’s attention for a small amount of time.
This information will be used to create a well laid out, professional and easy to user system for the exhibition that we have to make for the Rotunda museum.

Rotunda Museum -

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